Results for 'Ellen E. Corin'

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    Commentary: Interdisciplinary Dialogue: A Site of Estrangement.Ellen Corin - 2012 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 40 (1):104-112.
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    From Crisis to Crowd Control. Commentary: A Crisis in Comparative Psychology: Where Have All the Undergraduates Gone?Ellen E. Furlong, Stephanie AuBuchon, Jessica Kraut, Netherland Joiner, Jennifer Knowles, Kali Lewis, Megan Win & Jack Furlong - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  3. Postcommunist Postmodernism–An Interview with Mikhail Epstein.Ellen E. Berry, Kent Johnson & Anesa Miller-Pogacar - 1993 - Common Knowledge 2 (3):103-18.
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  4. Wondrous Depth: Preaching the Old Testament.Ellen E. Davis - 2005
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    Incompatible versions of authority in law and science.Ellen E. Deason - 1999 - Social Epistemology 13 (2):147 – 164.
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    Distinguishing Themes of Cultural Responsiveness.Ellen E. Swartz - 2012 - Journal of Social Studies Research 36 (2):135-167.
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    From Symptoms to Phenomena: The Articulation of Experience in Schizophrenia.Gilles Lauzon & Ellen Corin - 1994 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 25 (1):3-50.
    Research conducted in Montreal with schizophrenic patients was aimed at exploring the mode of Being-in-the-world and the kind of lifeworld associated with a positive evolution. Data were collected through open-ended interviews with patients who were contrasted for their rate of rehospitalization. The analysis combined structural analysis, inspired by hermeneutics, and discourse analysis. The interpretation of the data was guided by the framework provided by European phenomenological psychiatry. The research indicates that nonrehospitalization is associated with a specific mode of Being-in-the-world, which (...)
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    A plea to implement robustness into a breeding goal: poultry as an example.L. Star, E. D. Ellen, K. Uitdehaag & F. W. A. Brom - 2008 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 21 (2):109-125.
    The combination of breeding for increased production and the intensification of housing conditions have resulted in increased occurrence of behavioral, physiological, and immunological disorders. These disorders affect health and welfare of production animals negatively. For future livestock systems, it is important to consider how to manage and breed production animals. In this paper, we will focus on selective breeding of laying hens. Selective breeding should not only be defined in terms of production, but should also include traits related to animal (...)
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  9. Inside knowledge: cultural constructions of insight in psychosis.Laurence J. Kirmayer, Ellen Corin & Jarvis & G. Eric - 2004 - In Xavier F. Amador & Anthony S. David, Insight and Psychosis: Awareness of Illness in Schizophrenia and Related Disorders. Oxford University Press UK.
  10. Brill Online Books and Journals.Frederick J. Wertz, Ellen Corin & Gilles Lauzon - 1993 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 24 (2).
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  11. Context, syntactic priming, and referential form in an interactive dialogue task: implications for models of alignment.Kathleen M. Carbary, Ellen E. Frohning & Michael K. Tanenhaus - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 109--114.
  12.  35
    On the neural implausibility of the modular mind: Evidence for distributed construction dissolves boundaries between perception, cognition, and emotion.Leor M. Hackel, Grace M. Larson, Jeffrey D. Bowen, Gaven A. Ehrlich, Thomas C. Mann, Brianna Middlewood, Ian D. Roberts, Julie Eyink, Janell C. Fetterolf, Fausto Gonzalez, Carlos O. Garrido, Jinhyung Kim, Thomas C. O'Brien, Ellen E. O'Malley, Batja Mesquita & Lisa Feldman Barrett - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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    Women and Men Differ in Relative Strengths in Wisdom Profiles: A Study of 659 Adults Across the Lifespan.Emily B. H. Treichler, Barton W. Palmer, Tsung-Chin Wu, Michael L. Thomas, Xin M. Tu, Rebecca Daly, Ellen E. Lee & Dilip V. Jeste - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Wisdom is a multi-component trait that is important for mental health and well-being. In this study, we sought to understand gender differences in relative strengths in wisdom. A total of 659 individuals aged 27–103 years completed surveys including the 3-Dimensional Wisdom Scale and the San Diego Wisdom Scale. Analyses assessed gender differences in wisdom and gender’s moderating effect on the relationship between wisdom and associated constructs including depression, loneliness, well-being, optimism, and resilience. Women scored higher on average on the 3D-WS (...)
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  14. Bodies of Writing, Bodies in Performance.Thomas C. Foster, Carol Siegel & Ellen E. Berry - 1996
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    Éthique de la considération.Corine Pelluchon - 2018 - Paris: Éditions du Seuil.
    Pourquoi avons-nous tant de mal à changer nos styles de vie alors que plus personne ne peut nier que notre modèle de développement a un impact destructeur sur le plan écologique et social ni douter de l'intensité des violences infligées aux animaux? Relever ce défi implique de combler l'écart entre la théorie et la pratique en développant une éthique des vertus. Au lieu de se focaliser sur les principes ou sur les conséquences de nos actes, celle-ci s'intéresse à nos motivations (...)
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    Pour comprendre Levinas: un philosophe pour notre temps.Corine Pelluchon - 2020 - Paris XIXe: Éditions du Seuil.
    Emmanuel Levinas a renouvelé en profondeur la philosophie, qu'il s'agisse de la définition de la subjectivité par la responsabilité, des implications politiques de cette conception du sujet ou de son insistance sur la corporéité, pensée comme vulnérabilité ou associée à une phénoménologie du « vivre de » et des nourritures. Dans un séminaire qui s'adressait à des étudiants en philosophie et à des soignants, Corine Pelluchon donne les clefs pour comprendre cette œuvre exigeante et communique une expérience de pensée liée (...)
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  17. Understanding the Logical Constants and Dispositions.Corine Besson - 2009 - The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication 5:1-24.
    Many philosophers claim that understanding a logical constant (e.g. ‘if, then’) fundamentally consists in having dispositions to infer according to the logical rules (e.g. Modus Ponens) that fix its meaning. This paper argues that such dispositionalist accounts give us the wrong picture of what understanding a logical constant consists in. The objection here is that they give an account of understanding a logical constant which is inconsistent with what seem to be adequate manifestations of such understanding. I then outline an (...)
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    L'espérance, ou, La traversée de l'impossible.Corine Pelluchon - 2023 - Paris: Éditions Payot & Rivages.
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    Patient data and patient rights: Swiss healthcare stakeholders’ ethical awareness regarding large patient data sets – a qualitative study.Corine Mouton Dorey, Holger Baumann & Nikola Biller-Andorno - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):20.
    There is a growing interest in aggregating more biomedical and patient data into large health data sets for research and public benefits. However, collecting and processing patient data raises new ethical issues regarding patient’s rights, social justice and trust in public institutions. The aim of this empirical study is to gain an in-depth understanding of the awareness of possible ethical risks and corresponding obligations among those who are involved in projects using patient data, i.e. healthcare professionals, regulators and policy makers. (...)
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    Fisi vs. Journeys into St. Patrick's Purgatory. Irish Psychanodias and Somanodias.Corin Braga - 2013 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 12 (36):180-227.
    Early medieval Irish literature presents several types of voyages into the afterworld: echtrai (various adventures into Mag Mell), immrama (sea travels to the enchanted islands of the Ocean), fisi (ecstatic revelations of Christian eschatology), journeys into Saint Patrick’s Purgatory. In this paper, we seek to contrast the fisi and the descents into the cave of Saint Patrick. From a morphological point of view, both have a great deal of topoï in common, which describe the structure of the Christian other world: (...)
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    Les Lumières à l'âge du vivant.Corine Pelluchon - 2021 - Paris XIXe: Éditions du Seuil.
    Comment défendre les Lumières aujourd'hui? Leur idéal d'émancipation a-t-il encore un sens? On ne saurait se borner à invoquer un esprit des Lumières immuable dans un contexte marqué par le réveil du nationalisme, les crises environnementales et sanitaires et l'augmentation des inégalités. Faire face au danger d'effondrement de notre civilisation sans renoncer à la rationalité philosophico-scientifique, mais en tenant compte de notre dépendance à l'égard de la nature et des autres vivants: telle est la démarche qui fonde ce livre. Pour (...)
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    The Story of the Stone, Volume 5: The Dreamer Wakes. By Cao Xueqin and Gao E.Ellen Widmer, Cao Xueqin, Gao E. & John Minford - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (4):650.
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    Patient data and patient rights: Swiss healthcare stakeholders’ ethical awareness regarding large patient data sets – a qualitative study.Corine Https://Orcidorg Mouton Dorey, Holger Baumann & Nikola Https://Orcidorg Biller-Andorno - 2018 - .
    BACKGROUND: There is a growing interest in aggregating more biomedical and patient data into large health data sets for research and public benefits. However, collecting and processing patient data raises new ethical issues regarding patient's rights, social justice and trust in public institutions. The aim of this empirical study is to gain an in-depth understanding of the awareness of possible ethical risks and corresponding obligations among those who are involved in projects using patient data, i.e. healthcare professionals, regulators and policy (...)
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    Seeing the invisible work of caring: Migrant domestic workers in East Asian films.Ellen E. Seiter - forthcoming - Educational Philosophy and Theory.
    Films provide many memorable scenes of care that both shape and reinforce ideas about who deserves care, how carers should behave, and what kinds of people appear ‘naturally’ suited to the labors of caring for children, the sick, the elderly and the disabled (namely women). My specific interest here is in films about migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong and Singapore. from the Philippines and Indonesia, who take up live-in housekeeping positions. The films about their lives range from documentary to (...)
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    Professional Ethics in a Virtual World: The Impact of the Internet on Traditional Notions of Professionalism.Ellen M. Harshman, James F. Gilsinan, James E. Fisher & Frederick C. Yeager - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 58 (1-3):227-236.
    Numerous articles in the popular press together with an examination of websites associated with the medical, legal, engineering, financial, and other professions leave no doubt that the role of professions has been impacted by the Internet. While offering the promise of the democratization of expertise – expertise made available to the public at convenient times and locations and at an affordable cost – the Internet is also driving a reexamination of the concept of professional identity and related claims of expertise (...)
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  26. The Struggle for Indochina 1940-1955.E. H. S. & Ellen J. Hammer - 1967 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 87 (2):218.
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    The Limits of Reproductive Technology: Who Decides?Ellen S. Agard & Edward E. Wallach - 1999 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 10 (4):329-332.
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    Discipline matters: Technology use in the humanities.Ellen Collins, Monica E. Bulger & Eric T. Meyer - 2012 - Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 11 (1-2):76-92.
    In recent years, many studies have highlighted the changing nature of scholarly research, reflecting the new digital tools and techniques that have been developed. But researcher uptake of these tools is strongly influenced by existing information behaviour, itself affected by a number of factors, particularly discipline. This article outlines findings from a recent study which used six case studies to look at the information behaviours of researchers working in different disciplinary fields or academic departments, or using specific tools. The study (...)
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  29. Engagement in Philosophical Dialogue Facilitates Children's Reasoning about Subjectivity.Thomas E. Wartenberg, Caren M. Walker & Ellen Winner - 2012 - Developmental Psychology 1:1-10.
  30. Liability implications of direct-to-consumer genetic testing.E. Marchant Gary, Ellen Mark Barnes, Susan W. Clayton & M. Wolf - 2021 - In I. Glenn Cohen, Nita A. Farahany, Henry T. Greely & Carmel Shachar, Consumer genetic technologies: ethical and legal considerations. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    The discrimination of vibratory patterns on a tactile matrix.Ellen F. Gottheil, Roger W. Cholewiak & Carl E. Sherrick - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 11 (1):21-24.
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    Reflections.Ellen Key, Albert Einstein, F. J.. E. Woodbridge, St Augustine & William Butler Yeats - 1980 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 2 (1):14-16.
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    Monkey in the middle: pre-Darwinian evolutionary thought and artistic creation.Ellen K. Levy & David E. Levy - 1985 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 30 (1):95-106.
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    African-American males prefer a larger female body silhouette than do whites.Ellen F. Rosen, Adolph Brown, Jennifer Braden, Herman W. Dorsett, Dawna N. Franklin, Ronald A. Garlington, Valerie E. Kent, Tonya T. Lewis & Linda C. Petty - 1993 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 31 (6):599-601.
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    Working Memory and Human Cognition.John T. E. Richardson, Randall W. Engle, Lynn Hasher, Robert H. Logie, Ellen R. Stoltzfus & Rose T. Zacks - 1996 - Oxford University Press USA.
    As interest in working memory is increasing at a rapid pace, an open discussion of the central issues involved is both useful and timely. This new volume compares and contrasts conceptions of working memory, with contributions from proponents of different views.
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    Sensemaking in Military Critical Incidents: The Impact of Moral Intensity.Desiree E. M. Verweij, Dominique J. W. Meijer, Ellen Giebels & Miriam C. de Graaff - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (4):749-778.
    This study explores the relationship between moral intensity and the use of different sensemaking strategies in military critical incidents. First, narratives of military personnel were used to select prototypical high/low moral intensity critical incidents. In a follow-up, a scenario study was conducted with active duty military personnel to examine the relationship between moral intensity and the use of sensemaking tactics. This study offers three main conclusions. First, the use of sensemaking tactics is strongly tied to the level of moral intensity (...)
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  37. The case for proprioception.Ellen Fridland - 2011 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 10 (4):521-540.
    In formulating a theory of perception that does justice to the embodied and enactive nature of perceptual experience, proprioception can play a valuable role. Since proprioception is necessarily embodied, and since proprioceptive experience is particularly integrated with one’s bodily actions, it seems clear that proprioception, in addition to, e.g., vision or audition, can provide us with valuable insights into the role of an agent’s corporal skills and capacities in constituting or structuring perceptual experience. However, if we are going to have (...)
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  38. Addiction and embodiment.Corinde E. Wiers & Ellen Fridland - 2018 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 17 (1):15-42.
    Recent experiments have shown that when individuals with a substance use disorder are confronted with drug-related cues, they exhibit an automatically activated tendency to approach these cues. The strength of the drug approach bias has been associated with clinically relevant measures, such as increased drug craving and relapse, and activations in brain reward areas. Retraining the approach bias by means of cognitive bias modification has been demonstrated to decrease relapse rates in patients with an alcohol use disorder and to reduce (...)
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  39. Aesthetic incunabula.Ellen Dissanayake - 2001 - Philosophy and Literature 25 (2):335-346.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 25.2 (2001) 335-346 [Access article in PDF] Aesthetic Incunabula Ellen Dissanayake Incunabula n. pl. (f. L swaddling clothes, cradle): Early stages of development of a thing.Over the past thirty years, developmental psychologists have discovered remarkable cognitive abilities in young infants. Before these investigations, common pediatric wisdom accepted that apart from a few innate "reflexes"--for crying, suckling, clinging, startling--babies were pretty much tabulae rasae for their (...)
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    Impurity in Contemporary Mathematics.Ellen Lehet - 2021 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 62 (1):67-82.
    Purity has been recognized as an ideal of proof. In this paper, I consider whether purity continues to have value in contemporary mathematics. The topics (e.g., algebraic topology, algebraic geometry, category theory) and methods of contemporary mathematics often favor unification and generality, values that are more often associated with impurity rather than purity. I will demonstrate this by discussing several examples of methods and proofs that highlight the epistemic significance of unification and generality. First, I discuss the examples of algebraic (...)
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  41. Value pluralism and coherentist justification of ethical advice.Ellen-Marie Forsberg - 2007 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 20 (1):81-97.
    Liberal societies are characterized by respect for a fundamental value pluralism; i.e., respect for individuals’ rights to live by their own conception of the good. Still, the state must make decisions that privilege some values at the cost of others. When public ethics committees give substantial ethical advice on policy related issues, it is therefore important that this advice is well justified. The use of explicit tools for ethical assessment can contribute to justifying advice. In this article, I will discuss (...)
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    The Work of ASBH’s Clinical Ethics Consultation Affairs Committee: Development Processes Behind Our Educational Materials.George E. Hardart, Katherine Wasson, Ellen M. Robinson, Aviva Katz, Deborah L. Kasman, Liza-Marie Johnson, Barrie J. Huberman, Anne Cordes, Barbara L. Chanko, Jane Jankowski & Courtenay R. Bruce - 2018 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 29 (2):150-157.
    The authors of this article are previous or current members of the Clinical Ethics Consultation Affairs (CECA) Committee, a standing committee of the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH). The committee is composed of seasoned healthcare ethics consultants (HCECs), and it is charged with developing and disseminating education materials for HCECs and ethics committees. The purpose of this article is to describe the educational research and development processes behind our teaching materials, which culminated in a case studies book called (...)
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    To center or not to center? Investigating inertia with a multilevel autoregressive model.Ellen L. Hamaker & Raoul P. P. P. Grasman - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:121866.
    Whether level 1 predictors should be centered per cluster has received considerable attention in the multilevel literature. While most agree that there is no one preferred approach, it has also been argued that cluster mean centering is desirable when the within-cluster slope and the between-cluster slope are expected to deviate, and the main interest is in the within-cluster slope. However, we show in a series of simulations that if one has a multilevel autoregressive model in which the level 1 predictor (...)
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    The Achievement of Isaac Bashevis SingerThe American Art Journal, I, Spring 1969Antonio Banfi e il pensiero contemporaneoBaertling, Discoverer of Open FormThe Notebooks for a Raw YouthAfter the Hunt: William Harnett and Other American Still Life Painters, 1870-1900ArchitectureThe Music MerchantsProfiles in Literature: James JoyceRobert Henri and His Circle. [REVIEW]Ellen Laing, Marcia Allentuck, L. A. Fleischman, M. Esterow, Antonio Banfi, T. Brunius, F. Dostoevsky, E. Wasiolek, Alfred Frankenstein, S. Gauldie, M. Goldin, A. Goldman, William I. Homer, R. Liddell, Richard Neutra, Gert von der Osten, Horst Vey, N. J. Perella, James B. Pritchard, Theodore Shank, Michael Sullivan & Dominique Darbois - 1970 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 28 (3):407.
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    Walter E. Wehrle 1946-1996.Ellen Wehrle & Richard Schacht - 1997 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 70 (5):166 -.
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    Expanding human research oversight.Ellen Holt - 2002 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 12 (2):215-224.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 12.2 (2002) 215-224 [Access article in PDF] Bioethics Inside the Beltway Expanding Human Research Oversight Ellen Holt [Table]Overwhelmed by all the changes and proposed changes in the system to ensure human subject protection? It is an important subject and one in which everyone is interested. Being for human subject protection is like being for Mom. However, we all know that Mom sometimes can (...)
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    Cause for Optimism: Engaging in a Vital Conversation About Online Learning.Ellen Rose - 2017 - Foundations of Science 22 (2):373-376.
    This commentary responds to the suggestion that we can humanize online university education through the design decisions we make about it. It offers several reasons why the suggestion may be unrealistic, given that choice in online course design is increasingly narrowed by the prevalence of relatively powerless part-time instructors, student preference for convenient online offerings, and the use of learning management systems. However, if our design decisions are constrained, it becomes all the more important that we engage in critical conversations (...)
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    “Aesthetic Primitives”: Fundamental Biological Elements of a Naturalistic Aesthetics.Ellen Dissanayake - 2015 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 8 (1):6-24.
    Aesthetics, like other philosophical subjects, has historically made use of «top down» methods. Recent discoveries in genetics, evolutionary psychology, paleoarchaeology, and neuroscience call for a new «naturalistic» or «bottom up» perspective. Combining these fields with behavioral biology and ethnoarts studies, I offer seven premises that underlie a new understanding of evolved predispositions of the brain/mind that all artists use to attract attention, sustain interest, and create, mold, and shape emotion. I describe aesthetic «primitives» in somatic and behavioral modalities, suggesting that (...)
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    The New Science of Practical Wisdom.Dilip V. Jeste, Ellen E. Lee, Charles Cassidy, Rachel Caspari, Pascal Gagneux, Danielle Glorioso, Bruce L. Miller, Katerina Semendeferi, Candace Vogler, Howard Nusbaum & Dan Blazer - 2019 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 62 (2):216-236.
    We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom.Are the smartest people also the wisest? Not necessarily. While traditional intellectual reasoning and procedural knowledge have helped build the communities we live in, there is a growing scientific understanding that we need emotionally balanced and better-fitting prosocial frameworks for coping with the uncertainties and complexities of life and addressing new challenges of the modern world. We are now poised on the edge of a new science of wisdom.The concept of wisdom, long (...)
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    Worse than the Disease: Pitfalls of Medical Progress. Diana B. Dutton, Thomas A. Preston, Nancy E. Pfund.Ellen Koch - 1989 - Isis 80 (4):725-726.
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